
New Stocks Make Most Attractive/Dangerous Lists

October sees 13 new stocks make our Most Attractive list and 16 new stocks fall into the Most Dangerous category. Our Most Attractive stocks have high and rising return on invested capital (ROIC) and low price to economic book value ratios. Most Dangerous stocks have misleading earnings and long growth appreciation periods implied in their market valuations.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO
discontinued operations assets

Discontinued Operations – Valuation Adjustment

There is one last adjustment we must make involving discontinued operations: adding net assets from discontinued operations to shareholder value. Because discontinued operations are parts of a company being held for sale, the value of the net assets from these discontinued operations approximate the cash the company will receive from the sale. This cash will then be available for distribution to shareholders.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO

“Index” Label Myths

The word “index” in an ETF label does not always mean that investors are getting the specific exposure they seek. Diligence on ETF holdings is necessary despite what the providers might have you believe. Below I dispel the following myths concerning index ETFs.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO