New Constructs
0Comments vs New Constructs = Hype vs Substance

When I ran across the recent article "270,033 pages later, a chance to catch our breath…", I could not help but admire's marketing moxy. The article provides a count of the number of pages of 10-K filings that have poured in during the real earnings season. It also highlight a couple of the largest filings. At first glance, it is easy for one to assume that all of the 270,033 pages were also analyzed.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO

ETFs vs Mutual Funds: The Winner Is…

The radically higher number of US equity mutual funds (4,700+) versus ETFs (380+) is not indicative of better stock selection from active management. On the contrary, the vast majority of actively-managed funds do not justify the higher fees they charge. They do not, in terms of stock selection and expected returns, add value versus passively managed benchmarks.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO