New Constructs

JDS Uniphase Cp (JDSU) — free report for Ask Matt, Dangerous Rating

RED FLAG: Our analy­sis of the Finan­cial Foot­notes reveals: the com­pany has writ­ten off over $60bn in assets over the last twelve years. That is a big num­ber com­pared to the company’s mar­ket cap of roughly $2.2bn and its net assets of about $1.3bn. This results in economic earnings of -$5,346mm compared to Net Income of -$866mm during the last fiscal year. For details on what causes the dif­fer­ence between Eco­nomic Ver­sus Account­ing Prof­its, see Appen­dix 3 on page 10 of our free report on JDSU.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO
New Constructs

Finance 101

Finance is the process for making accounting data useful. Per Accounting 101: accounting data by itself is not useful. Think of accounting data as the words used in the language of Finance. Just as with any language, words can be arranged to convey almost any meaning.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO